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What Real Media said about Jacinda Ardern


Discussions surrounding a potential delay in elections gripped many countries around the world that year, including the United States, where then-President Donald Trump received stern condemnations from the left for suggesting changing the election date. Ardern followed through with what Trump had mused about, but received no similar criticism. Ardern’s New Zealand – though the election date change was later revealed to be against the wishes of the national Electoral Commission and significantly hindered opposition parties’ campaign – consistently ranks among the world’s most politically free states. Ardern used her election landslide in 2020 to impose even harsher lockdown restrictions, some of which a New Zealand court deemed illegal in April.
Speaking at Harvard University last week, she defended limiting gun rights as a way to protect democracy.


Ardern, the former president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, secured a landslide “win” for her hard-left Labour Party in October 2020 after implementing draconian lockdown measures that limited mass gatherings and hampered political campaigning. The election was originally scheduled for September 19 but took place on October 17. Ardern received no pushback from opposition parties, many of which celebrated the move. The New Zealand Electoral Commission, documents later revealed, told Ardern that a delay was only possible with far more time in advance – a warning she ignored. The Commission asked Ardern to consider November 21 as an alternative date.

Ardern had told voters nearly the exact opposite of the Electoral Commission’s warnings in announcing the date change, claiming that a “short delay” would help the Electoral Commission better prepare.

“Moving the date by four weeks also gives all parties a fair shot to campaign and delivers New Zealanders certainty without unnecessarily long delays,” she vowed.

In reality, delaying the election both made the pandemic, the issue on wish Ardern generated the most public support, the paramount issue of the election and made a normal campaign nearly impossible.

Political analysts noted at the time that Ardern was facing growing discontent with her failure to follow through on expansive policies to relieve poverty and implement expensive social programs, but that many voters, fearing the coronavirus pandemic, had decided to shelve those concerns.

“It looked as though she was on course to be a one-term prime minister. Then, [Chinese coronavirus] turned everyone’s world upside down,” political analyst Josh Van Veen told the Washington Post at the time.

The post-delay reality meant that campaigns had to scramble for another month of financing and plans for campaign events and advertising. 



PM Ardern, a remarkable smiley-faced fascist, now represents the face of modern global leftism and boned-up her progressive bona fides with the totalitarian New Zealand COVID policy.  The corporate fascists within the World Economic Forum love the government compliance model represented by Ardern to the collective global society they are creating.


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