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Another poll showing Dizzy Ardern is done.

Potential National/Act NZ (47%) coalition retains a large lead over Labour/Greens (42.5%) Share This Link on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on LinkedInShare on RedditEmail To April 08 2022 Finding No. 8942 Country: Today’s Roy Morgan New Zealand Poll shows support for the two major parties unchanged in March with National on 38% still 6% points ahead of Labour on 32%. This is the equal highest level of support for National for over two years since January 2020. Support for a potential National/ Act NZ coalition government is now at 47%, down 2.5% points on a month ago, after Act NZ continued to lose support, but still clearly ahead of the current Labour/ Greens government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on 42.5% (down 0.5% points). Although support for National was unchanged in February, fellow right-leaning party Act NZ lost support for the third straight month and was down 2.5% points to 9% to be at its lowest for nearly a year since May 2021. Since Luxon took over the leadership of National support for Act NZ has now dropped by 8.5% points while support for National is up 11.5% points. Support for the Maori Party was unchanged at 2%. In contrast, support for New Zealand’s Labour/Greens ‘coalition’ government was down 0.5% points to 42.5% in February – the sixth straight month of declines for the government. Although support for Labour was unchanged at only 32%, support for the Greens dropped 0.5% points to 10.5%. A growing minority of 8.5% of electors (up 3% points) support other minor parties outside Parliament with support for New Zealand First up 2% points to 4% - now at its highest for over two years since February 2020, The Opportunities Party up 0.5% points to 1.5% and support for the New Conservative Party down 0.5% points to 0.5% in March. This latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by telephone – both landline and mobile – with a New Zealand-wide cross-section of 944 electors during March. Electors were asked: “If a New Zealand Election were held today which party would receive your party vote?” Of all electors surveyed 6.5%, up 1.5% points, did not name a party. New Zealand Government Confidence Rating drops 7.5pts to 87.5 in March The Roy Morgan Government Confidence Rating dropped by 7.5pts in March 87.5 to hit its lowest level since Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was elected in October 2017. The Roy Morgan Government Confidence Rating is now down a massive 66pts from just a year ago in January 2021 (153.5) and down 37.5pts over the last six months from September 2021 (125). These declines match a softening in support for the Government during this period as New Zealand has remained closed to the world while other countries, including neighbour Australia, have re-opened. In March, 39% (down 3.5% points) of electors said New Zealand was ‘heading in the right direction’ compared to 51.5% (up 4% points) who said New Zealand was ‘heading in the wrong direction’. The latest ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence Rating for New Zealand dropped 3.8pts to a new record low of 77.9 and is over 15% below the latest Consumer Confidence figure in Australia of 93.4 on March 28 – April 3, 2022 which has most recently been impacted by rising petrol prices across Australia. Women continue to favour Labour/Greens while men firmly support National and Act NZ Support for the Labour/ Greens coalition remains strong amongst women. Support for the Labour/ Greens coalition is at 54.5% for women aged 18-49 compared to only 35% support for National/ Act NZ. For women aged 50+ support is at 49.5% for the Labour/ Greens coalition compared to 44.5% for National/ Act NZ. The smallest Parliamentary Opposition, the Maori Party, attracts the support of 2% of women including 3.5% of women aged 18-49 and just 0.5% of women aged 50+. There is a stark difference for men with 55% supporting National or Act NZ. In March 51.5% of men aged 18-49 supported National/ Act NZ compared to only 33.5% that supported Labour/ Greens. For men aged 50+ there were 58.5% supporting National/ Act NZ compared to 32% supporting Labour/ Greens. The Maori Party attracts only 1.5% support from men including 2% support of men aged 18-49 and 1% support from men aged 50+. Support for the Greens is far higher amongst both younger women and younger men than their older counterparts. One-in-six women aged 18-49 (16.5%) and over one-in-eight men aged 18-49 (13%) support the Greens compared to only 7% of women aged 50+ and just 5% of men aged 50+.


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