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Here's an article from Kiwiblog showing how many list MP's Labour would lose if the election result was what the latest poll said

DECEMBER 28, 2021 11:00AM BY DAVID FARRAR Which Labour MPs are gone on current polling? On current polling Labour will get 49 MPs, down from 65. So a reader has asked who would be the 16 MPs who would be out of Parliament on the current polling. If we assume (for now) no change in electorate seats, those out would be: Angela Roberts Helen White Rachel Brooking Anahila Kanongata’a-Suisiki Ibrahim Omer Liz Craig Naisi Chen Tamati Coffey Angela Clark Marja Lubeck Jan Tinetti Camilla Belich Louisa Wall Willie Jackson Ayesha Varrell Kria Faafoi That’s four Ministers they would lose on current polling. Of course their 2023 list will be different, but the only MPs higher on the list than them are Andrew Little, David Parker and Trevor Mallard. Unless they lose some electorate seats, their List only MPs are facing quite a wipeout. Share this: FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWhatsAppMore Like this:


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