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Questions That Should Be Getting Asked

“Also, do you know what a BCT is? Do you know how many troops are in a brigade combat team? Do you understand the logistical needs of a BCT and its vulnerabilities in an insurgency environment?”

How many BCTs do you think you would need to secure an urban area the size of Los Angeles. Didn’t it take three divisions, about 12 brigades, to secure it during the Riots? How long could you logistically support that?”

“You mentioned F15s. How many bombers  all types does the United States have deployable within the continental US? How many are operational? How many sorties could the military fly a day against American citizens?

“Have your generals, when they aren’t busy excusing CERT on Capitol Hill and not winning wars, staffed exactly how many American military personnel they could count on to attack American citizens if you ordered it? What percentage do you believe would comply and why?”

“Can you explain how you would employ bombers to hold territory, like a city? What means would you use to identify targets to bomb within the United States? What would the rules of engagement be when using bombers against American citizens?”

“How would you protect the supply lines to  fighter bases from attacks by armed citizens? How many of your limited ground forces would you allocate to securing supply lines between bases and protecting complicit forces living off post from retaliation?”

“Have you considered that the military forces of the National Guard in red states, which include aircraft, artillery and infantry, may refuse or even oppose your campaign against American citizens? Would you attack those forces?”

“When staffing the campaign you speak of against American citizens, what was your analysis of the number of armed American citizens the 2,000,000 pre-desertion military would have to oppose?”

“You expressed a willingness to use bombers and potential even nuclear weapons against your own people. How many American citizens would you kill to retain your hold on power?”

“Mr. President, I have more questions, but your aide mentioned Matlock is on and that you need to be going.”



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