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Corrupt Government scum illegally deliver vaccines , again they are outed as useless losers

Government to introduce new law for vaccine after legal challenge Thomas Coughlan RNZ The Ministry of Health is looking at launching a school-based programme for teenagers to get their Covid-19 vaccinations from the end of term 3. The Government will introduce legislation tomorrow to ensure the Covid-19 vaccination programme can continue, after a High Court decision today called into question the legislation under which the vaccine was approved. Under the Medicines Act, the Minister of Health can grant approval for Medsafe-approved medicines to be used by a limited number of patients. It’s a process that’s used for many medicines – current medicines approved under the legislation include two contraceptives, two pandemic flu vaccines, an electrolyte solution used in hospitals, and the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. READ MORE: * Covid-19: Three cases of coronavirus in managed isolation, one deemed historical * Covid-19: What to expect from today's Medsafe vaccine announcement * Covid-19: International results to factor in Pfizer vaccine decision in New Zealand The snag is that Section 23, which grants the minister this power, says the power can only be used to approve medicines for use for a “limited number of patients”. The case – Nga Kaitiaki Tuku Ihu Medical Action Society Incorporated v The Minister of Health – was in the High Court at Wellington last week, with the judgement delivered on Tuesday. Advertise with Stuff Judge Rebecca Ellis said in her decision that the “limited” number of people specified in Section 23 couldn’t be stretched to include all New Zealanders over the age of 16. Health Minister Andrew Little will introduce legislation in response to a challenge to the vaccine rollout. TOM LEE/STUFF Health Minister Andrew Little will introduce legislation in response to a challenge to the vaccine rollout. Health Minister Andrew Little said Parliament will introduce legislation tomorrow to fix the snag. “The law has for some time now, lacked clarity over how it can be applied,” Little said, describing the medical process as “rigorous” “Treatments approved under Section 23 go through a rigorous Medsafe approvals process,” he said. MORE FROM THOMAS COUGHLAN • POLITICAL REPORTER “There are occasions when the health needs of a population call for urgent access to a medicine, vaccine or treatment and we need to keep this option available for some circumstances,” Little said. Little said tomorrow’s bill would “make sure New Zealanders continue to have timely access to the medicines and treatments they need” and would be passed under urgency. The Government intends to replace the Medicines Act, which it says is outdated, later this year. It will replace it with the Therapeutic Products Bill. National’s Covid-19 spokesperson Chris Bishop said his party would support the law change.


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