“The Labour MP has been suspended by the party after calling the Chancellor 'superficially black'” @NgatiBird should be thrown out of @nzlabour for what he said yesterday. It’s a test of @jacindaardern ’s integrity. #nzpol https://t.co/M3rrgBnKl1 — Matthew Hooton (@MatthewHootonNZ) September 28, 2022 There was also that time smirking Willie called David Seymour a “useless Mฤori”(similar gist to what he just called certain Mฤori journalists). I know politics is robust but is it too much to ask that senior ministers don’t engage in this race-baiting as a pathetic deflection? https://t.co/GafzF0EZ3J — Juliet Moses (@JulietMosesNZ) September 28, 2022